Peace Sunday
Peace Sunday on the second Sunday in Ordinary Time as a way of observing the World Day of Peace and promoting the Pope’s message for that year.
In 2025, Peace Sunday will fall on Sunday 19th January and our hope is that as many parishes as possible across the country will mark the day.
Christmas Hampers
Thank you to all of you who joined us last Friday for the annual Hamper Packing.
Planned Giving Drive - 2024
It has been 10 Years since we asked you to revisit your donation to the parish to support the development of our Parish Vision. During November, we asked if you too could become a Steward of the Parish.
We are fortunate in that our parish is a vibrant and active community, with many parishioners generously giving of their time and talents to help make our parish what it is today. But there is so much more exciting work that we want to engage with in growing this parish in line with our vision.
Be Compassionate - Bishops’ Statement
As Catholic Bishops in England and Wales, and in Scotland, we believe that genuine compassion is under threat because of the attempts in Parliament to legalise assisted suicide. ‘Compassion’ means to enter into and share the suffering of another person.
Overseas Development Projects
Following the recent ODP Autumn Appeal collections for ABCD (Action around Bethlehem Children with Disability) that were made in the parish, we have received a letter of thanks from Val Jourdan, MBE - Chair of Trustees.
DENS Sleepout
Nicky Mansfield, one of or parishioners from Church of the Resurrection, is sleeping out for DENS on Friday 22 November.
Please support her.
Join us for our Parish Christmas Lunch!
Last year it was such joy to gather and celebrate as we prepared for Christmas. We are doing it again.
This year, our Annual Christmas Lunch will take place at the Holiday Inn on Breakspear Way. Join us for a delicious lunch and a time to get to know other parishioners as we all enter the season of Advent.
Pastoral Letter on Assisted Suicide
We know, only too well, that suffering can bring people to a most dreadful state of mind, even driving them to take their own lives, in circumstances most often when they lack true freedom of mind and will, and so bear no culpability.
Praise + Worship Evening
Saturday 19th October - Praise + Worship group LCH will be enriching our worship.
Pastoral Letter
Pastoral Letter for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Cardinal Vincent Nichols writes….
My brothers and sisters, I often smile whenever the words from the musical ‘Sweet Charity’ come to mind.
Synod Survey
The Diocese of Westminster is in the process of collating information in preparation for the Synod in October and is asking parishes to consider some questions and give feedback. Time is limited so we feel the best way that everyone has a chance to contribute is through a survey.
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday evening though lent will be contemplating the Stations of the Cross.
The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross or Via Crucis, is a tradition, in the Catholic Church, that commemorates the events of Good Friday.
Ash Wednesday Mass Times
10am: Our Lady’s, Adeyfield
12 noon: Church of the Resurrection, Grovehill
7pm: Our Lady’s, Adeyfield
Pray for Persecuted Christians
We are fortunate that we are able to practice our faith and follow the teachings of Jesus without fear of persecution. Sadly, this is not the case for all Christians in the world.
Into His Likeness
Running over 6-weeks, Into His Likeness provides an approachable exploration of how to live as a disciple and experience the transformation Jesus wants to work in our lives.
Christmas Mass Times
The times of Masses across our two churches during this joyous season are available.
Christmas Hampers
Thank you to all of you who helped make our Christmas Hampers a reality.
This week we are proud to announce the beginning of the new Children's Ministry at Hemel East.
Pastoral Letter
Coming to church today all of us will have made the Sign of the Cross, at least once. We did so at the opening words of the Mass. Many will also have done so on entering the church, using the holy water as a reminder of our baptism. This is our first prayer.