Your generosity helps bring others to Jesus, shape them as disciples, and send them out to make a difference. Thanks to your support, Hemel East can make a lasting impact in our community and beyond as we work to connect more people with Jesus and the Church.
We are wholly reliant on the generosity of our parishioners as we do not receive any funding from the Diocese, nor the Vatican.
Making a Pledge
What is a pledge? It is a promise of a planned weekly or monthly payment to the parish of an amount that fits within your household budget. Payment is usually made through a Standing Order so that it becomes a regular amount. If you are a UK taxpayer and Gift Aid your payment, the amount that you donate is enhanced by an additional 25% though funds we can reclaim from HMRC. Gift Aid does not cost you any extra and does not impact your relationship with HMRC.
Why should I pledge? Just like with your family budget, if you know what income is expected, then it allows you to plan for the future. The same with our Parish. It allows us to commit to our exciting plans for growing and fulfilling our Parish Vision.
Becoming a planned giver marks a shift in your relationship with our parish – from the casual visitor who throws a few coins into the offertory basket, to a dedicated parishioner who is an essential member of our parish community; someone that both knows and loves this parish, and wants to see it grow and flourish.
We appreciate that for some, finances are tight, and there is no obligation for a financial commitment. But you can be a steward in so many ways. Please consider how you can share your time and talents with this parish.
OK. I see the need to pledge. What Next? Creating a Standing Order is a great way of setting up your regular payments.
Please see the payment options below, and please do Gift Aid your donation if you are able to do so.
If I make a planned giving commitment, what happens if I can no longer afford it? You can pause, update, or cancel you direct debit or monthly online contribution at any time.. The Parish benefits enormously from those who are able to give regularly but recognises that this should always be according to people’s means. If you find yourself needing to reduce, pause or stop your giving because of changed circumstances, the Parish will fully understand and support you with making any necessary changes to your giving arrangements.
Online Donation
We use DONA to collect donations for our parish. This is a secure online payment system that is external to our website, so by clicking the Online Giving button a new window will open and offer a choice of donation options.
To access the DONA page (link opens in a new window) - please click here
Standing Order and Direct Debits
If you would like to make a regular donation (monthly/quarterly/annual) to your parish, please download and complete the standing order form.
Regular donations make it easier for the parish to plan the support it can offer, and it it easier for our volunteers in not having to deal with cash.
To access the Standing Order Form - please click here
Bank Transfer
To make a one-off donation please use the parish bank account details:
Account Name: WRCDT Hemel East
Sort Code: 40-05-20
Account Number: 81095021
Reference: Surname and First Initial
Boost your financial giving with Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The government will top up your gift by 25 percent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you.
To Gift Aid your bank transfer donations, please send an email to with the following information:
Your parish name
Your title, first name and surname
Your address and postcode
The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order
The amount
Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’
The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.
To learn more about how the Diocese treats Gift Aid donations (open in a new window) - please click here
Other ways of giving
For those who might find it a struggle to give a monetary amount, we welcome the giving of time. If you can commit to regular volunteering, please look at the opportunities to Serve
“I personally didn’t use to think about Stewardship, but now I can see that our parish will never flourish if everyone supports it in the way I used to, with a contribution that I hardly noticed.
My offertory giving was a frequently a last-minute scramble for whatever was in my pocket as the basket came around.
I soon realised that if everyone else was making the same kind of effort then there was a real possibility this parish would not be here in the future.”
You can order donation envelopes by contacting the parish office.
We encourage you to gift aid your donations if you are a UK tax payer.
We have a simple tablet for accepting donations by the door of our church.
You can make your donation using your bank card, Smart phone or Smart watch (using Apple Pay or Google Pay).
As a part of your legacy
Thank you for considering supporting to our parish with a gift in your will. Anyone can leave a legacy gift to us.