
Your generosity creates more opportunities for others to be brought into relationship with Jesus, formed as disciples, and then sent out to transform the world.

Through your faithful giving, Hemel East is able to make lasting impacts here in our local community and across the world as we work to bring more people into relationship with Jesus and the Church.

Ways to give

Online Donation

We use DONA to collect donations for our parish. This is a secure online payment system that is external to our website, so by clicking the Online Donation button a new window will open and offer a choice of donation options.

Other ways of giving

For those who might find it a struggle to give a monetary amount, we welcome the giving of time.

If you can commit to regular volunteering, please look at the opportunities to Serve

Bank Transfer

To make a one-off donation please use the parish bank account details:

  • Account Name: WRCDT Hemel East

  • Sort Code: 40-05-20

  • Account Number: 81095021

  • Reference: Surname and First Initial

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The government will top up your gift by 25 percent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you.

To Gift Aid your bank transfer donations, please send an email to with the following information:

  • Your parish name

  • Your title, first name and surname

  • Your address and postcode

  • The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order

  • The amount

  • Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’

The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.

Standing Order and Direct Debits

If you would like to make a regular donation (monthly/quarterly/annual) to your parish.

Regular donations make it easier for the parish to plan the support it can offer, and it it easier for our volunteers in not having to deal with cash.


You can order donation envelopes by contacting the parish office.

We encourage you to gift aid your donations if you are a UK tax payer.


We have a simple tablet for accepting donations by the door of our church.

You can make your donation using your bank card, Smart phone or Smart watch (using Apple Pay or Google Pay).

As a part of your legacy

Thank you for considering supporting to our parish with a gift in your will. Anyone can leave a legacy gift to us.