Planned Giving Drive - 2024
It has been 10 Years since we asked you to revisit your donation to the parish to support the development of our Parish Vision. We are reliant on the generosity of our parishioners as we do not receive any funding from the Diocese, nor the Vatican.
During November, we asked if you too could become a Steward of the Parish. If you missed the appeals in Mass, or are new to the parish - please do read on.
We are fortunate in that our parish is a vibrant and active community, with many parishioners generously giving of their time and talents to help make our parish what it is today. But there is so much more exciting work that we want to engage with in growing this parish in line with our vision.
That is why planned giving is so important as it provides the seeds and nutrients that enable the parish to flourish. We are each called as Stewards, to share and invest our God-given gifts of Time, Talents and Treasure.
God has indeed given us many blessings. What we do with those blessings, is our gift back to Him.
Our parish is one of our blessings from God, so we are all responsible for maintaining and handing it on to future generations. Handing it on, not just as a collection of buildings, but in excellent spiritual condition with a vibrant and active discipleship community.
The Vision Goals set out in this Planned Giving Drive are:
Firstly – We recognise that the youth of our parish are key to our parish health. We want to create spaces where the youth are welcomed, celebrated and informed. Alongside this, we want to transform our halls into welcoming multi-use spaces for the whole parish community.
Secondly – We want to enhance the Sunday Experience and make the celebration of Mass more involving with large screens for music and prayer.
Thirdly – we owe it to future generations that our parish is looked after, well run and well maintained.
Making a Planned Giving Pledge
What is a pledge? It is a promise of a planned weekly or monthly payment to the parish of an amount that fits within your household budget. Payment is usually made through a Standing Order so that it becomes a regular amount. If you are a UK taxpayer and Gift Aid your payment, the amount that you donate is enhanced by an additional 25% though funds we can reclaim from HMRC. Gift Aid does not cost you any extra and does not impact your relationship with HMRC.
Why should I pledge? Just like with your family budget, if you know what income is expected, then it allows you to plan for the future. The same with our Parish. It allows us to commit to our exciting plans for growing and fulfilling our Parish Vision.
Becoming a planned giver marks a shift in your relationship with our parish – from the casual visitor who throws a few coins into the offertory basket, to a dedicated parishioner who is an essential member of our parish community; someone that both knows and loves this parish, and wants to see it grow and flourish.
We appreciate that for some, finances are tight, and there is no obligation for a financial commitment. But you can be a steward in so many ways. Please consider how you can share your time and talents with this parish.
OK. I see the need to pledge. What Next? Creating a Standing Order is a great way of setting up your regular payments.
Please see all the payment options for your pledge on the Giving Page, and please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are able to do so.
Thank you again for all that you do.