Overseas Development Projects

Following the recent ODP Autumn Appeal collections for ABCD (Action around Bethlehem Children with Disability) that were made in the parish, we have received a letter of thanks from Val Jourdan, MBE - Chair of Trustees.

I am writing to thank you and the Overseas Development Friends at Hemel East Parish for the hugely generous and welcome amount of £913.00 raised in response to your Autumn Appeal. This terrific support is greatly appreciated by us all and comes at a time when our work and our care has never been more needed to improve the lives of children with disabiLities and support their families in Palestine.

The escalating violence now erupting all over the Middle East is deeply concerning to us all. At our recent Trustee meeting it was agreed that is vitaI we continue our emergency funding programme for a further three months to atl the families in ABCD's care - that is - providing an additional £5,000 to each of the five centres we support to add trauma therapy to their regular service, and to provide food parcels, essentiaI medication needs and continence needs for famities who have lost their livelihoods. lt is the children who suffer most with the psychological damage immeasurable. This is in addition to our core funding.

We continue to pray for a lasting solution which will bring peace with justice for all. Thank you, thank you so very much again.

With best wishes

Val J.

To learn more about the work of ABCD - click here

To learn more bout the work of the ODP in our parish - contact David Toowara


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