Peace Sunday

Peace Sunday on the second Sunday in Ordinary Time as a way of observing the World Day of Peace and promoting the Pope’s message for that year.

In 2025, Peace Sunday will fall on Sunday 19th January and it is the hope is that as many parishes as possible across the country will mark the day.

Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Peace this year has been published and his theme is ‘Forgive us our trespasses: Grant us your peace’.

Pope Francis’ World Peace Day Message for this year is rooted in the biblical tradition of the Jubilee. The Jubilee or ‘acceptable year’ was that one year in seven or one in forty-nine, of forgiveness and restoration, when all debts were forgiven, prisoners freed and a sense of community restored. However, it was more often than not a dream rather than a reality.

The Message tells us that the concepts of hope and forgiveness are at the heart of the Jubilee, a time for conversion that calls us not to condemn, but instead to bring about reconciliation and peace. We are invited to ask for forgiveness as a means of obtaining God’s peace. And, God knows, we have much to be forgiven for. The Pope informs us that it is only from a genuine conversion on all levels - personal, local and international - that true peace will be able to flourish.

Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Peace 2025 (external link)

At Hemel East, we firmly believe that children are our future and we encourage their growth into disciples of the faith.

Peace Sunday 2025: Children’s Activities and Prayers (external link)

Peace Sunday 2025: Children’s Liturgy (external link)

Peace Sunday 2025: Children’s Liturgy Worksheet (external link)


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