Children are our future

Thank you!

As parents for bringing your children to celebrate the mass in our community, we want to thank you.

More than anything we want our children to be captivated by all that the world has to offer, and that includes our parish. For it’s that captivation that will lead to the desire for deeper understanding.

Here are some simple tips on how to nurture that sense of wonder within ourselves and our children…

Notice the Small Things

The art of noticing is a gift that will last a lifetime. Be curious, always!

It’s powerful when we slow down and take the time to notice the little things that are often overlooked in our busy grown-up lives.

Simple things like the the statues in our church, the colours that the priest wears, the candles on the alter, the words within the prayers that we say. Maybe follow the Stations of the Cross with them so that they understand how Jesus suffered for all of us, or let them help you find the readings of the day in the prayer missal.

Learn Side By Side

Many of us feel that we need to be experts or have all the answers before we dive into a new area of learning with our children. In fact nothing could be further from the truth.

What children are looking at more closely than anything else is our attitude towards being part of our parish. This attitude can be simply expressed by showing your enthusiasm, reverence in prayer, offering a friendly welcome to fellow parishioners, asking questions of your child about their observations, and modelling ways to behave. We do ask that if you child brings a favourite toy to chuch, it is a soft version that will not disturb others.

The goal is to model for children that life is not always about having the right answers. In fact, having the right questions can actually prove to be a more important and rewarding skill in life.

We have the GIFT programme - Growing in Faith Together - that you can use to deepen your understanding and help pass the knowledge to your children.

In addition to weekend worship, we also have a number of opportunities that you might be interested in joining. Explore more in Faith Journeys

We do have some child focussed resources that are available for you and your family to use during mass. These can be found in the foyer area. We are hoping to add to these resources in the coming months.

Do ask one of the Welcome team if you need anything.