New Look Website
The website has had an extensive refresh to bring it more in line with our parish vision. Take a look around!
Lost & Found
The parish walking group (Lost & Found) have been enjoying some of the local countryside on their recent walks.
Plant Sale Raises £276
The CWL Plant sale raised £276 for Mary’s Meals…Thank you all for your support.
CWL Plant Sale
The Catholic Women’s League are selling plants for the garden and are raising money for Mary’s Meals.
“Lost & Found”
We are off! Following the inaugural meeting of our parish walking group, we are getting a variety of walks together that will cater for all abilities.
Register your interest and receive information on upcoming walks.
Easter Sunday
Those of you who were at the 10:30 Mass on Easter Sunday will have heard the wonderful music that we were blessed with, thanks to Will Hickl who is visiting from his native Texas, USA.
Holy Week and Easter Mass Times
Holy Week and Easter Mass Times - the times and locations of all the Masses.
Bacon Rolls & Coffee
Join us for a relaxed chat over bacon rolls and coffee - the perfect combination!
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross, by St Aphonsus Liguori, is available as a series of images taken in Our Lady Queen of All Creation church.
These are accompanied with prayers for you use at any time.
Ash Wednesday
Times of the masses.
Also read the Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Fr Kim’s Post Christmas Break
Fr Kim’s Post Christmas Break
Fr Kim is away from the parish from Wednesday 18 January until Thursday 26 January.
While most Masses were covered please note that three Masses have unfortunately had to be cancelled due to lack of supply.
Inquiry into Assisted Suicide
Assisted suicide presents profound dangers to public safety and the common good, and so it is crucial that as many people as possible engage with the Parliamentary Inquiry and oppose the introduction of assisted suicide into UK law. It is especially important that those who respond should oppose the idea of a 'Citizens’ Assembly' or referendum on this issue, as these are easily abused to try to legalise assisted suicide.
Christmas Hampers delivered!
Hemel East - you are AMAZING!
Today we delivered your ‘secret’ hampers.
Alpha course starting in the Spring
Why not make a resolution to start the new year with plans to explore your faith?
Parish Visit to Hughenden
Enjoying the Winter sun!
This was our first post-covid outing as a parish. With the help of the parish minibus, we enjoyed a wonderful day exploring the ‘12-Days of Christmas’ at Hughenden House.
Owned by the National Trust, Hughenden is best known as the country home of Victorian Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, and more recently as a top-secret map-making facility during the Second World War.
School entry
Details of admission for both St Albert the Great School and St Cuthbert Mayne Junior School.
Plus, there is information about how to obtain a Certificate of Catholic Practice from the Parish.
Confirmation Course
The confirmation preparation course for the Hemel parishes will be 7 formation sessions running from the 27 February 2023, on Monday evenings from 6.30pm until 8pm. This will take place in the John F Kennedy school hall.
Gallup Survey - Parish Meeting
After the 12 noon mass today, we held a well attended parish meeting to feedback a summary of the Gallup ME25 Survey and outline a strategy for moving the parish forward.
There was some discussion and excellent points raised. Please read this article to learn more.